Women at every stage of life

A woman experiences hormonal shifts throughout her lifetime with major transitions such as the onset of menarche, to pregnancy, birth, and then menopause.

We are experienced in helping women achieve their healthcare goals and they can find the strength to truly enjoy and embrace all that life has to offer.

Our highly skilled, compassionate Chinese medicine doctors make women’s wellness a priority. We are experienced in helping women achieve their healthcare goals and they can find the strength to truly enjoy and embrace all that life has to offer at every stage.


Puberty involves a series of hormonally directed changes in a girl’s body and brain.So many of these girls are frustrated and stressed by their menses. We often see girls dealing with heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding, a relatively common problem.

What’s more, given the sensitive nature of the conditions, Adolescents need to be treated with the utmost compassion and delicacy. In our practice, we are specialised in female health problems specific to this age group, including period pain, skin, weight or mood changes and ensure healthy bones for later in life.

Young Women

Most women at this life stage have the desire to become mothers, but increasing numbers of people are having difficulties conceiving.Women at this stage in life should focus on preparing the body, mind, and spirit for a healthy pregnancy.

Support both before and during pregnancy is essential and will allow both mother and baby to thrive throughout pregnancy and post-birth.In our practice, we are specialised in stabilising hormones, optimising fertility and preparing for pregnancy.

What’s more, with an emphasis on holistic care, we will address potential factors that could affect women’s health at this stage, including period pain, PMS, irregular period, fibroids, PCOS, endometriosis, weight issues and emotional problems.

Mature Women

When we talk to my patients about menopause, we’re not just talking about hormones – we look at all the other parts of their lives and health as well; heart health, bone health, mental and emotional health, their libido and sex life.

Menopause can give women a chance to reassess their lives and health – work out what changes, if any, they need to make and begin the next phase of their life on their own terms. Certainly, many women are impacted by symptoms of menopause, such as hot flushes, increased anxiety or poor sleep.

So it’s important for women to know that help and support is available if they need it. Menopause can be successfully managed by Chinese medicine with the help of an experienced Chinese medicine doctor.

Our experienced and caring practitioners take a special interest in women’s health and can assist with diverse general and special health concerns including:


  • Skin problems
  • Stress, emotional instability, depression and anxiety
  • Digestive problems and weight management
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Menstrual changes (including menarche and menopause)
  • Period pain
  • Irregular cycles
  • Fertility problems (including PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids and hormonal imbalances)
  • Musculoskeletal pain or injuries
  • Diabetes and blood sugar regulation
  • High cholesterol
  • Osteoporosis

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Our Women's Health Issues Services

Women at every stage of life

We are experienced in helping women of all ages achieve their healthcare goals.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

PMS symptoms often vary between women but Chinese medicine can help manage these symptoms successfully.

Irregular Period

The menstrual cycle is linked to hormones and when the hormonal balance is not aligned irregular periods can occur.

Period Pain

Period pain is a common problem, however, there are treatments available for painful periods.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common and treatable reproductive endocrine disorder.


Acupuncture and herbal medicine are viable and effective treatments for dealing with endometriosis


Menopause is an inevitable shift in a woman’s life, but it does not mean that accompanying symptoms can't be reduced.