Natural Fertility Support for IVF with Fertility Acupuncture

We investigate the underlying causes, deficiencies and imbalances to support you on your journey to parenthood, and address your overall physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.

Before trying western medically assisted reproductive treatments such as IVF, traditional Chinese medicine can help you optimise the chances of naturally having a healthy pregnancy and delivering a healthy baby.

Our approaches are safe, non-invasive, and result in generally improved health and well-being for you overall.



Signs and symptoms in natural menstrual cycle could affect the chance of conceiving



Before period: Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), abdominal bloating, acne, anxiety, fluid retention, headache and migraine, irritability, swollen and tender breasts, spotting intermittently, etc.

During Period: periods that occur less than 21 days or more than 35 days apart; menstrual flow that is much heavier or lighter than usual; periods that last longer than seven days; periods that are accompanied by pain, cramping, nausea, or vomiting, etc.

After period: very tired and lethargic, dizziness, spotting for few days, etc.

During ovulation: lower abdominal pain, light spotting, breast soreness or tenderness, no cervical mucus, etc.




Traditional Chinese Medicine for natural fertility support



Our Chinese medicine doctors are experienced in assisting infertility including medically diagnosed and unexplained infertility.We investigate the underlying causes, deficiencies and imbalances to support you on your journey to parenthood, and address your overall physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.

Our experts can assist those with:

If you have concerns about the symptoms or issues we mentioned above, this may indicate your body is imbalance with certain organs. We are often working with people with complex or unexplained fertility issues. Have a consultation with an experienced Chinese medicine doctor in B&Q Acupuncture. 




Our TCM doctors would :

  • help you find out the cause of the imbalance with traditional Chinese medicine methods including pulse and tongue checkup and then a traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis will be provided.
  • assist you in interpreting natural signs of fertility: we would help you predict ovulation and thus timing your conception attempts accurately by helping you understand mucus changes, temperature charts (BBT), the rhythm of your cycle and other signs. Learning the fertile and infertile phases of your cycle provides an effective way to improve your chance of conceiving.
  • set up a specific treatment plan (which may include acupuncture, cupping or herbal medicine) to enhance fertility.
  • provide you with suggestions of diet, lifestyle, exercise, stress management and general wellbeing.

Ready to change your life for the better?

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TCM Fertility Support Services

Preconception Care

For thousands of years Chinese Medicine has been helping couples start families.

Natural Fertility Support

Traditional Chinese medicine can help you optimise the chances of naturally conceiving.

IVF Support

When used in conjunction with Western fertility treatments, acupuncture increases conception rates.

Male Fertility & Reproductive Health

Our confidential specialists can help you address common low fertility issues.

Pregnancy Care

Traditional Chinese Medicine can assist you to have a happy and comfortable pregnancy.