How To Increase IVF Success Rate Naturally—Frozen Embryo Tansfer (FET)

A frozen embryo transfer (FET) is a cycle where a frozen embryo from a previous fresh IVF cycle is thawed and transferred back into a woman’s uterus. In recent research, frozen embryo transfers are 10% more likely to result in a live birth than a fresh one, making frozen transfers a popular option for fertility specialists, doctors, and couples who were unsuccessful in their previous attempts of conception.

If you have decided to start frozen embryo transfer cycle, it is worth to prepare your body and mind for it as soon as possible, as it could assist to increase the success rate. Here are some tips to look after yourself before and after your embryo transfer in the IVF journey.


1. Avoid extreme temperature changes 

Heat—Avoid saunas, hot tubs, or other high-heat activities because these external agents can impact or inhibit your chances of a successful embryo transfer and pregnancy at the end of your IVF cycle.

Cold—“Cold” uterus is not helpful for blood circulation and implantation after embryo transfer. Keep your feet nice and warm by wearing socks.

2. Get enough good quality sleep before and after embryo transfer

As the National Sleep Foundation explains, experts agree that the average person should aim for at least seven hours and no more than nine hours a night. Research has found that women getting less than seven hours of sleep are 15% less likely to get pregnant than women who got seven to eight hours. Stop caffeine consumption at least four to six hours before going to sleep.

3. Continue having fertility boosting diet

Avoid eating or drinking food straight from the fridge like smoothies and sodas before and after embryo transfer. Avoid sugar and highly processed food. Increase antioxidants, dark leafy greens, whole grains and healthy fats in your diet, such as blueberries, raspberries, pomegranates, spinach, kale, oats, quinoa, lentils, chickpeas, salmon and other fatty fish, nuts, free-range eggs, seeds, lentils, lean meat. Limit caffeine and stop alcohol and smoking.

4. Avoid sexual intercourse after the transfer

Sex can increase the risk of infection after the transfer and trigger uterus contraction. It disturbs the implantation process. Give your uterus a rest in the two weeks wait.

5. Take it easy for exercise 

During the two weeks wait after embryo transfer, strenuous exercise may decrease the embryo’s chances of implanting. Avoid high-intensity workouts like heavy weight lifting, running, interval training, as these activities redirect blood circulation to the muscles instead of to the uterus. However, gentle daily exercise (i.e. walking and yoga) is safe after embryo transfer.

6. Try acupuncture 

Acupuncture is safe and effective treatment working along with IVF. Having acupuncture before and after embryo transfer assist to:

Acupuncture should be scheduled carefully to synchronise with your IVF schedule to have the best chance of success. If you are interested in how to schedule acupuncture sessions to maximise the effectiveness of the IVF acupuncture treatments, we’ve put together a blog post outlining the process.

At B&Q Acupuncture, our team of Chinese medicine doctors support couples through IVF treatment on a daily basis and have success in enhancing IVF outcomes. If you are interested in having acupuncture for IVF support, please contact our clinic (08)6111 5027 or email We are looking forward to supporting you.

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